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Oct 25, 2022

Ashley Kehr was given the opportunity to manage 100 units for a friend with little knowledge of what was involved. However, she realized she had a knack for managing properties and then decided to get into her own deals. Ashley shares what it takes to run a successful property management business, how to plan...

Oct 18, 2022

The days of the 40-hour work week and the gold watch at the end of a 30-year career with the same company have long been over, and more people desire a life of career and financial freedom. M.C. Laubscher’s mission and purpose is to help investors become “cashflow ninjas” and multiply their wealth outside of Wall...

Oct 11, 2022

Over the course of his career, Jerome Maldonado has founded multiple high-success businesses and has done over $200M of in-house real estate transactions. He shares his career journey and how his sales experience elevated his game. Jerome also offers advice for people just getting started, shares how he’s...

Oct 4, 2022

After you close on a multi-family property, your work is just getting started. Van Sturgeon is a master in the art of renovation, has over 30 years of real estate investing experience, and personally owns over 1,200 properties across America. We talk about some of the biggest mistakes investors make with value-add...